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Customer requirements

A leading MVNO operator sought to implement a VoLTE IMS solution to enhance voice quality, speed up call set-up times, and leverage VoWIFi to reduce costs by offloading traffic from Home Network Operator, while improving indoor radio coverage.

Voice call continuity and centralization were required so that the two HNO partners could be used in the whole national territory, wether available mobile radio is locally in 3G or 4G.

For national interconnection with the HNO, the LBO roaming was required, while international roaming is done with classical S8HR.

Cirpack Answer

Cirpack supplied a complete VoLTE solution including SBC, IMS core and MMtel Application server to deliver the full IR.92 service.

With this solution, all standardized supplementary services, including ad-hoc conference calls, are provided, while the service data stored in the HSS for legacy 3G telephony service is also retrieved and modified in compliance of 3GPP IMS standards, for a better migration scenario, and preservation of the MVNO provisioning mechanisms.

In order to obtain, the VoWIfi Carrier Bundle from Apple Inc and consequently enable VoWifi in iPhone iOS for this network, the operator passed a series of compliance test with Apple, proving the Cirpack conformity with the Apple’s high standards for VoLTE and VoWifi.